About Alex Scrivens

I’ve been in the landscape sector most of my working life and have a thorough understanding of this vibrant part of our economy.

I trained as mediator with CEDR, and am registered with both the Civil Mediation Council and the College of Mediators.


JCLI and JCT contracts encourage parties to use mediation or other forms of dispute resolution before going to court. The courts will encourage mediation where appropriate.

Mediation works because the settlements you make are created by you, not someone else.

Your dispute, your mediation, your agreement.


Contract JCLI/JCT



Contractor/Sub contractor


Corporate/social responsibility

Designer/contractor supply chain

Environmental/social governance


Labour related

Property leaseholder/management company


Trade related, quality, quantity, time

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Nipping Disputes In The Bud

FREE no obligation consultation

Interested in joining Alex Scrivens Dispute Resolution?


We are always looking to expand our mediating service offering and would love to have you on our panel

Get in touch with an email to us with the subject line ‘Joining the Alex Scrivens Mediation Team’